Philippians 4:4

Philippians 4:4

Sunday, September 11, 2011



Sometimes, I lack inspiration.

The tide is high, the moon is out, we're sailing

Sometimes I get lazy. Not by choice or because anything happened, but just because. I don't even know if that makes any sense... By lazy I mean distant. But not JUST distant, or else I would have used the word 'distant' in the first place. It's just that I don't do anything about it, I don't try to fix it in any way, making me ''distantly lazy''. Why? I don't even understand... There are just those days, like today, where I pretend. Most of the events in my day have been all an act, not by choice or because anything happened, but just because. I feel empty, colorless and my mood is very monotonous. I have this vehement desire to change, to be different, but it just doesn't happen. All is a blur. Now I'm babbling, talking about nothing, going around and around, or maybe it just feels like it because no matter how much I try I don't think anyone understands or will ever understand. Whilst all else is confused, I have one outlet that won't ever fail. I guess that's all that matters.


''We're adrift on a sailboat
My love is the sea
Yours is the horizon
Constant and steady

You set my limbs locked hard afloat
Lifted my lonesome sails
The tide is out, the moon is high
We're sailing

Darling, your love is healing
It makes the bitter sweet
Warms the winter to spring again
Secures the colds defeat

We're cutting anchor
Casting out into the glorious deep
The tide is out, the moon is high
We're sailing

When we've succumb
To decrepitude
Still our love
Will remain in its youth

The tide is out, the moon is high
We're sailing
We're sailing
We're sailing''
Brooke Fraser