Philippians 4:4

Philippians 4:4

Saturday, May 4, 2013


For some reason today I thought of this blog. I haven't been here in forever. Kind of feels like unfamiliar territory. I'm appalled. No, disgusted. No... Maybe the right word is scared. Yeah, I think that's the best word to describe how I'm feeling. Usually when people look back on things they've written, or pictures or videos and stuff like that, they think "oh wow, how stupid was I?" or "man, I just made a fool out of myself, thank God I'm wiser today." can you relate to this feeling? So can I. But in the complete opposite way. I was so much wiser two years ago when I wrote these posts on here. I was in Florida doing a worship leading internship, my heart was at peace, and my relationships were stable. Where am I now? What happened? Where could I have possibly gone wrong?


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